Exporting the chatbot to Slack lets you chat with VectorShift’s chatbot inside the Slack workspace. You can do this in two ways: by adding the chatbot to the workspace using the interface or using the OAuth Token.

Using the Interface

Step 1: Choose Pipeline and Export

Go to “Chatbots” and choose the icon “Export Chatbot” from your desired chatbot.

Step 2: Connect Slack via Connect Account

You will see several options for exporting chatbots. Choose Slack and click “Connect Account.”

Step 3: Choose your Workspace and Deploy

Make sure you check all of the permissions required, and then you can click “Allow.”

Step 4: Deploy to Slack

After choosing the workspace, click “Deploy to Slack”. You should be able to chat with your chatbot inside the workspace. You can also check “Enable Role-Based Access Control” to limit who can chat with your Chatbot.

Using OAuth

You can also choose to connect the chatbot to Slack using OAuth. Visit https://api.slack.com/apps and click Generate Token.

Step 1: Create Slack OAuth in api.slack.com

Step 2: Choose your server

Step 3: Copy the Access Token

Step 4: Paste and deploy the chatbot to Slack Workspace.