The Share Chatbot via Link feature in VectorShift allows you to distribute your chatbot by generating a shareable URL.

  • Deployment Enabled: Activate or deactivate the chatbot deployment. When enabled, the chatbot is live and accessible via the generated link.
  • Share Chatbot URL: Click Open Chatbot to open and test the chatbot in a new tab.
  • URL: A unique link is provided, which can be shared with users to access the chatbot.

Security Options

  • Protect with SSO Auth: Enable Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication to restrict access to authorized users only.
  • Protect with Password: Set a password to add an extra layer of security. Users must enter this password to access the chatbot.

Embed Chatbot

To embed the chatbot into your website, copy the provided HTML code to embed the chatbot into your website or application. This feature is compatible with Wix, WordPress, and Bubble. You can use Script for a better experience or iFrame if your website does not allow Script integration.