Export Chatbot - link, iframe, and API

Navigate to the export tab of the chatbot wizard. At the top of this page, you will see three sub-tabs: "Chatbot", "WhatsAPP / SMS", and "API". On this page, we will discuss "Chatbot" and "API" pages. We will discuss the "WhatsAPP / SMS" page in the next article.

"Chatbot" page:

Deploy / Un-deploy button: button will be initially set to "Deploy". Click to allow for public deployment (allow you to gain access to shareable link, iFrame, deployment through WhatsApp / SMS, and API). Clicking "Undeploy" afterwards will deactivate the chatbot.

URL: In the "Shareable Chatbot" section, you can either copy and paste this into a new browser link or click the "Open Chatbot" button.

Directly embed in website: In the "Embed in website" section, you can copy an iFrame code snippet that you can use to directly embed into other website platforms such as Wix, Squarespace, Framer, Webflow, or Wordpress.

"API" page:

You will find a code snippet either in Python, JavaScript, or cURL that you can use to deploy the chatbot through code. Ensure you replace your_public_key and your_private_key with your actual API keys. You can find your API keys by clicking on the circle on the top right hand side and navigating to the "Settings" tab.

Steps to initiate and sustain chat sessions via API:

  1. Make an API call to the provided URL with the necessary headers and body fields. You may decide to omit the 'conversation_id' in your initial request.

  2. Upon successful request, you will receive a response containing bot output along with a unique conversation_id.

  3. Utilise the received output to display the bot's response, and store the conversation_id to continue and maintain the chat session.

Last updated