This node allows you to automatically fill PDF with form fields by the provided context using AI.

Note: the PDF must have form fields. To convert your PDF to have fillable form fields, use

Node Inputs

  1. PDF to Fill: The PDF with forms fields to be filled
    • Type: File
  2. Context Used to Fill PDF: Information the AI will use for filling the form fields
    • Type: Text
  3. Selected Pages: Specific page numbers in the PDF you want the AI to fill. If nothing is inputted, the AI will attempt to fill every form field (e.g., 1-4).
    • Type: Text

Node Parameters

On the face of the node:

  1. Select pages where to put information in: If toggled on, you will be able to input into a text field the pages you want the AI to fill out.

In the gear:

  1. Provider: Provider of the AI model you want to use. The default provider is OpenAI.
  2. Model: Model name of the AI model you want to use. The default model is gpt-4o.

Node Outputs

  1. Filled PDF: PDF file with completed form fields
    • Type: File
    • Example usage: {{ai_fill_pdf_0.filled_pdf}}