This node creates a new list by duplicating a single item with the size of the new list either matching the size of another list, or a specified size. For example, if we were to duplicate “a” to match [1, 2, 3], the output would be: [a, a, a].

Node Inputs

  1. Type: The type of list you want to create
    • Type: Dropdown
  2. Item for duplication: The item that is going to be duplicated in the list.
    • Type: T (based on the type of list you choose)
  3. List Size to Match: The list whose size will be matched (if “List Size to Match” is the duplication mode selected).
    • Type: List<Text> (based on the type of list you choose)
  4. List Size: The size of the new list.
    • Type: Integer

Node Outputs

  1. Output: The list with given size populated with the given item
    • Type: List<T>
    • Example usage: {{duplicate_list_0.output}}


The below example is a pipeline for creating a list of size 5 with all the elements as the inputted value.

if the input value is “a”, the output will be: [a, a, a, a, a]