Semantic Search Node
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The semantic search nodes embeds and queries documents semantically at run time.
In contrast to the knowledge base, which is a permanent store of data, documents embedded using the semantic search node are immediately deleted after the pipeline finishes running.
Search Query: The query that will be used to search the embedded documents semantically for relevant pieces
Type: Text
Documents for Search: The text that will be semantically searched
Type: Text
Face of the node
Embedding model: Select an embedding model to use to embed the documents
In the gear:
Max chunks per query: the maximum number of pieces of data to be returned per query
Enable Filter: enable the ability to write a metadata filter
Enable Context: enable a text field to provide additional context for the search query
Re-rank documents: Performs an additional Reranking step to reorder the documents by relevance to the query.
Score Cutoff: The minimum relevancy score (between 0 and 1) that each piece of data will have semantically to the query
Retrieval Units: Return the most relevant chunks (text content) or Documents (will return document metadata)
Transform Query: Transform the query for better results
Answer Multiple Questions: Extract separate questions from the query and retrieve content separately for each question to improve search performance
Expand Query: Expand query to improve semantic search
Do Advanced QA: Use additional LLM calls to analyze each document to improve answer correctness
Show Immediate Steps: Display the process the knowledge base is conducting at a given time in the chatUI
Format Context for a LLM: Do an additional LLM call to format output
Chunks: Semantically similar chunks retrieved from the knowledge base
Type: List of text
Example usage: {{semantic_search_0.chunks}}
If Do Advanced QA is checked:
Response: the response of the additional LLMs calls conducted on each document
Type: Text
Example usage: {{semantic_search_0.response}}
Use a semantic search node when your pipeline loads new data at run time for querying. Use a Knowledge Base Reader node when you want to query previously loaded data that has already been loaded.
If the semantic search node is not returning relevant information to a query, try increasing the number of max chunks per query in the gear of the knowledge base
For debugging purposes, you may attach an output node to the semantic search node to view the chunks that are returned for the query
The below example is a pipeline that allows the user to ask a question to a website. Hence, it has two inputs: the question (input_1) and the URL of the website (input_2).
The website link is passed to the scrape URL node, which scrapes the website and passes the content to the “Documents for Search” input on the semantic search node. Input_1 (the user question) is passed to the Search Query input of the semantic search node.
Then, the openAI node both receives the user question (input_1) and the semantic similar chunks (semantic_search_1) to generate a response that is displayed by the output node.