Pipeline Node
Run other pipelines within your current pipeline
The pipeline node allows you to run other pipelines within your current pipeline. Use a pipeline node when you want to execute an abstracted workflow (sub-pipeline) as part of your current pipeline.
Node Inputs
- Pipeline: Select the sub-pipeline to run within your current workflow
- Pipeline-specific inputs: The inputs corresponding to all input nodes within your selected sub-pipeline
- Type: Varies based on input nodes in sub-pipeline
The pipeline node uses the most recent deployed version of your sub-pipeline. Ensure that your sub-pipeline is deployed before using it in the pipeline node.
Node Outputs
- Pipeline specific outputs: Outputs corresponding to the output nodes for your selected sub-pipeline
- Type: Varies based on output nodes in sub-pipeline
- Example usage:
- Use a pipeline node to execute separately created workflows within your current pipeline. It is especially useful to abstract out complex logic when dealing with large/complex workflows.
- The pipeline node makes the outputs of the sub-pipeline available to use in your current workflow.
- All input nodes in your sub-pipeline will appear as input fields on the pipeline node.
The below example shows a “Parent Pipeline” call a sub-pipeline, “Company sub-pipeline” that takes in the name of a company, and writes a short description.
Parent Pipeline