This node allows you to send emails using a custom SMTP server configuration.

Node Inputs

  1. Recipient Email: Recipient email address(es), comma-separated
    • Type: Text
  2. Email Subject: Subject line of the email
    • Type: Text
  3. Email Body: Email content
    • Type: Text
  4. SMTP Server: SMTP server hostname or IP
    • Type: Text
  5. SMTP Server Port: SMTP server port (25, 465, 587)
    • Type: Integer
  6. Sender Email: Sender email address
    • Type: Text
  7. Sender Password: SMTP server password
    • Type: Text
  8. Sender Name: Display name for sender (optional)
    • Type: Text

Node Parameters

On the face of the node:

  1. Send as HTML: Send email in HTML format.
    • Type: Checkbox
  2. Connection Type: The security type. The options available are SSL, TLS, or STARTTLS. The default option is SSL.
    • Type: Dropdown

Node Outputs

This node has no outputs.