Filter List Node
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This node filters items in one list based on a condition applied to the corresponding element in a second list.
For example, if you filter (Red, White, Blue) by (100, 95, 80)>90, the output would be (Red, White).
List to Filter: The list to be filtered
Type: List<Text>
Filtered By: The list on which the conditions will be applied
Type: List<Text>
Condition Value: Certain Condition Type parameters require a value against which the condition will compare against. For example, 90 is the Condition Value in the following comparison: (100, 95, 80)>90.
Type: Text
Condition types that necessitate Condition values are: Is greater than, Is less than, Is equal to, Contains, Does not contain, Is in, Is not in, Starts with, Does not start with, Ends with and Does not end with.
Output: The filtered list after conditions are applied
Type: List<Text>
Example usage: {{filter_list_0.output}}
Face of the node:
Condition Type: The conditional operation to compare each item in the Filtered By list against.
Available conditional operations are: Is empty, Is not empty, Is greater than, Is less than, Is equal to, Is true, Is false, Contains, Does not contain, Is in, Is not in, Starts with, Does not start with, Ends with and Does not end with.
In the gear
Output Blank Value: Output a blank value for values that do not meet the filter condition.
While you are using this node make sure that the size of the two lists provided are always the same.
Output Blank Value is useful to ensure that the outputted list is the same size as the inputted list.