Google Alert RSS Reader Node
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Last updated
This node reads data from a RSS feed created from a Google Alerts:
Feed Link: The link for the google alert feed
Type: Text
Timeframe: The timeframe of publish dates of alerts to read. The available options are: All, Past Day, Past Week, and Past Month.
Links: A list of the links of the sites from the feed
Type: List<Text>
Example usage: {{google_alerts_rss_reader_0.links}}
Dates: A list of publish dates of the links from the feed
Type: List<Text>
Example usage: {{google_alerts_rss_reader_0.dates}}
Titles: A list of the titles from the feed
Type: List<Text>
Example usage: {{google_alerts_rss_reader_0.titles}}
Snippets: A list of snippets from the feed
Type: List<Text>
Example usage: {{google_alerts_rss_reader_0.snippets}}
Click on the “+” button on the right of the node to create and connect the node to a semantic node.
The semantic search node is a commonly connected node as you may want to embed the data for querying.